
Here it goes...

Okay, so setting up a blog is time consuming. I had no idea. It probably doesn't help that the internet quality in Afghanistan isn't great. I promise at some point soon I will get an about me, picture, blah blah blah... Just not right now. I should have been asleep hours ago.

The painful and beautiful comes from a quote I heard once that I really try to remember as I go through my days, "Sometimes you have to wake up, look around, and really make yourself see reality for what it is. It's painful and beautiful all at once. Once you accept that, maybe life will start to make sense." Things that we go through (especially here) are mostly painful, but there is beauty behind it, you just have to look for it.

Anyway, I guess for right now the purpose of this blog is to keep up with friends and family back home while I'm deployed. It will also serve as some documentation (for my sake) of a crazy year. I'll probably rant and rave about other things too. I guess all I can say is, I hope you like it!

To family and friends back home, I miss you all terribly.

Getting through the days,
Love you all,

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